Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life lately

Mia is 5 months old and just as sweet as ever. She got a nasty virus and is on oxygen for the time being. Her stats are too low with this respiratory cold. She hadn't been on oxygen for at least 2 months before this. The doctors warned us that this might happen. When her stats dropped before her Glenn surgery the first thing the docs checked was if she had a cold or something! So we are experiencing that now. But she is doing okay with it. She rubs her nose A LOT and of course the tubing comes right off...She is getting better so that's all we can ask for:)
She has had a couple echos that show no change in the narrowing of her aorta and pulmonary arteries. We are traveling to Denver after the cold gets better and possibly having a heart cath to see what to do about it. Doesn't seem to be affecting her, she must be compensating the docs say. But she will need something done before the Fontan.
We are still in awe of our little Mia..and our other kids, through this. They are doing very well considering all the upheaval in their lives this spring and summer.
I am very thankful for the structure of our life right now. We have been home since August 24th! Woo hoo! We have only been to Albuquerque once and that was only a 3 hour jaunt.
So....life is stable and God is good. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Sorry it has been so long between posts.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see a post from you and hear how Mia is doing! I'll be praying for her body to heal quickly from this cold. Keep us updated on the cath results!

    Tina B.
    Mom to Anna Grace (HRHS)
